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For any species that has been endangered

due to human activity, without any change

to the actions or laws that regulate the

activity, the likeliness that they will

recover is slim to none. Without

involvement these species will continue to

see their populations decrease and their

habitats dwindle down to practically

nothing. Federal governments consistently

avoid involvement due to financial

interests and agencies and nonprofits

just don't have the funding to make a

difference without help. This is where

you can make a difference.



Throughout the last century we have seen

members of the general public make a difference in the future of endangered species. The countless efforts by civilians and organizations have made a major difference in how the global community views endangered species.


Examples include the World Wildlife Fund and their

ability to get the public interested and involved with

major environmental issues and organizing the world's

largest environmental activism event (WWF, 2012).

We encourage you to check out their website, they have a fair amount of research done on the region in which the Tasmanian Giant Freshwater Lobster lives, and are doing work in the area to stop habitat destruction, you can check them out here, and see what they have done so far and if they have any ways you can get involved.


A great example of normal civilians making a difference is Miranda Gibson. Miranda Gibson was outraged by the amount of destruction taking place in the old growth forests of Tasmania and to take a stand climbed into one of the trees in the forest and has vowed to stay there until the forest is protected (Gibson, 2011). Through use of social media, Gibson was able to gather the attention of thousands worldwide. You can check out the page here, it details who Gibson is and what she did, as well as the aftermath.


Tragically, due to the Tasmanian Giant Freshwater Lobsters

isolated habitat and the fact that most people are not aware

that it exists, not many organizations outside of the WWF

and the governments of Australia and Tasmania are taking

much action to protect this species. With that said, a fair amount of work is still being done to protect it by the agencies and organizations that are helping and the only way that they can continue to do so is with funding and donations from civilians.


We encourage you to get involved with these organizations and see what you can do to help. With many of the organizations due to the location of them, the only way that help can be given is through donation. We understand that in today's world, money is tight, and the economic pressure is immense, but we cannot just sit idly by and watch beautiful creatures like this lobster fade from the surface of this planet never to be seen again.


Thank you for your considerations and we encourage you to check out the links below and read about how YOU can help save the amazing Tasmanian Giant Freshwater Lobster.


Who's Helping?


Please check out these links that go to variety places that will help the Tasmanian Giant Freshwater Lobster. Some of these links are to organizations that are serving to help the lobster, while others are there for if you are inclined to go further in depth and learn about the animal itself in more scientific detail.


World Wildlife Fund:

On this web page you can view detailed info on the habitat in which the Lobster lives and what WWF is doing to help. They have updated the webpage multiple times and if there is a way for the public to get involved with them and their project to protect the habitat where the Lobster lives, it will be on this page.


The Observation Tree:

On this web page you can learn about the efforts of the Observation tree in stopping the destruction of old growth forests in Tasmania. They have links to how to get involved and many interesting facts and features.( Preview Below)























The IUCN Red List:

On this page you can find a variety of facts and scientific information about the lobster. If you are inclined to learn more about the lobster and what it is, we compel you to check out this page.( Preview Below)


























How Can You Help?

"Governments not  taking action."

Without your help, the Lobsters population will disapear.

The Tasmanian Giant Freshwater Lobster


By Cheyenne C., Rhea S. and Noah M.

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